
The Simple Formula For Creating Luck After Luck In Your Life

Do you know someone who seems to have everything going for him or her?

A loving mate, a booming career, a fantastic home.

To boot, this person is also in great shape.

But most of all, he or she seems happy.

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I mean, you know that everyone has their share of ups and downs, but some people just seem to have a whole lot more turning out in their favor.

Meanwhile, things just seem so much harder for you. Maybe you have a rocky romantic history. Or you still haven’t figured out your passion. Or you’ve tried to launch a business and failed.

You wonder: are some people just born luckier than others?

What The Happiest People On Earth Know About Being Lucky

I’ve spent most of my career researching happiness. Happy people also tend to be lucky people.

They are much more likely to have happier relationships and to have more success at work.

But here’s the really interesting bit: they didn’t become happy because they were born lucky. Instead, they were lucky because they were already happy.

These people made HAPPINESS their goal. And in turn, they got lucky.

After interviewing hundreds of the happiest people on Earth—and the thousands of people I’ve met since then—every single one of them believed happiness was their responsibility.

They did not wait for luck or for things to be perfect.

They did not wait for circumstances in their lives to change.

They did not wait for someone else to make their good luck happen for them.

Happy people don’t get stuck in the past, or think that they can’t be lucky because of what’s happened to them.

They see possibility in their future rather than being victimized by their past. And because of these beliefs, they respond differently—which in turn creates their good luck.

The True Meaning Of Responsibility: Your Ability To Respond

Years ago, my mentor Jack Canfield taught me a simple formula about responsibility, and it goes like this:


Which stands for:

Events + Response = Outcome

In other words, it’s not just the events in our lives that determine our happiness or our outcomes, but rather our events PLUS our responses.

Your ability to respond to what happens is what changes your life and dictates the experiences you have as a result.

Suppose, for example, that you miss your connecting flight on the way to an important meeting—or even the vacation you’ve been planning for months.

Is this going to cause you to be unhappy? Is it going to ruin your day or your life?

Well, it all depends on how you respond.

If you throw a fit at the airline desk and wallow in disappointment for the next few hours, you’ll certainly generate unhappiness—for yourself and all the poor souls in your wake.

But suppose you took a step back and looked at the bigger picture. You realize that there are a lot of worse things that could happen to you. You decide to accept the airline’s offer for a flight the next day. On the way to the hotel, you end up meeting an interesting stranger who turns out to be the love of your life or a fortuitous business connection.

Now let me ask you, was the missed flight a recipe for a lousy day or a lucky strike? It’s all in your response. And that’s true responsibility.

How To Call The Shots On Your Own Happiness And Get Luckier Every Day

To sum up, there are two components that determine your level of happiness:

  1. Recognize that happiness is a choice
  2. Recognize your responsibility to create happiness

I believe that we create our luck—by consciously engaging in specific habits that generate happiness.

I don’t believe it’s just a matter of making up your mind to be happy. You have to take inspired action, and that’s with the happiness habits I’ll teach you in my program 30 Days to a Happier Life.

Throughout the month-long program, you’ll see a daily video where I’ll guide you through techniques, exercises, visualizations, meditations, and fun assignments that will become the happiness habits that can completely change the results you get in life.

These habits are based on the decades of research and interviews I’ve conducted for my books and live seminars—and include the same happiness habits I practice myself to generate a steady stream of good feelings and fabulous luck.

As you get happier, you will find yourself getting luckier—day by day—until you wake up one morning and realize you’ve never felt so good about your life:

Luck Starts Here

The difference between victors and victims is one word: responsibility. When you take responsibility for your own happiness, good fortune naturally follows.

With love and happiness,

Marci Shimoff

P.S. Happy people naturally make choices that create good luck. And in order to make good choices, there are two criteria:

You have to be present. And you have to feel good about yourself.

And that’s what you’ll learn to do with me in 30 Days to a Happier Life:

Learn More In Day 6

Become The Best You Possible And Live Your Best Life

  • The secret to living a deeply fulfilling, love-filled life
  • Banish regret, worry and self-doubt
  • Know what’s in your heart… and follow it
  • Free yourself from self-judgement and fear
  • Generate energy and wellness to supercharge your life
  • Create happiness for the rest of your life

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